Spending time with Bobbie at Hope4Flint reminded me of the practical nature of Jesus call to respond to the needs of the poor. Jesus' command to his disciples 'they don't need to go away,
you give them something to eat' (Matt 14:16) stands out on the board outside the Mission, and is so poignant. So many people have left the city of Flint already. Onlookers might think the answer is for others to just leave too. But Jesus commands us to respond, even in what looks like a hopeless situation. A crowd of 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish seems to be a similar situation to a city of Flint with a population of 80,000 and the last supermarket in the city about to close. Without a car, without money, where will anyone find food to eat? For Hope4Flint and many other non-profit and church organisations, the answer that they have found is not to send the people away, but to feed people with what there is. The one thing that Flint does have is land. Groups like
Edible Flint assist those who want to grow their own food in the city. They will come and check the soil of a garden for its suitability and then help advise on the fruit and vegetables that can be grown and harvested throughout the year. This is not a quick or easy strategy, it takes time and hard work, but it is working to help feed many people who literally don't know where their next meal is coming from. Hope4Flint has its own "Garden of Love" that it runs with those who regularly drop into the centre, growing everything from strawberries to sweet potatoes and works with others to help them become self sustainable through growing their own food where they can.
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